Advocacy in Action Part I The Basics: Integrating Advocacy & Marketing
Advocacy in Action Part II Working with Elected Officials
Advocacy in Action Part III Where the Rubber Meets the Road
What is tennis advocacy?
Our collective goal as tennis advocates is to help stakeholders and elected officials in the public, private and non-profit sectors to understand the benefits of tennis, to develop, preserve, and maintain tennis playing facilities as well as the recreational infrastructure that supports tennis. Tennis is booming, and we are running out of quality places for people to play. Advocates will promote tennis to be a vehicle for positive change in communities across South Carolina. Click here to see Advocacy in Action in South Carolina.
Talking Tennis Southern Style Podcast
Listen to Sheryl McAlister, USTA SC Senior Director of Advocacy and Community Development shine a spotlight on USTA South Carolina’s efforts during National Tennis Month! She shares how USTA SC is boosting tennis through advocacy, increased grant applications, and the amazing dedication of staff and volunteers. Sheryl also talks about the challenges in providing quality public tennis courts and the initiatives to engage state officials and local communities. Listen Now
Check Out Our Advocacy in South Carolina Through the Years
USTA South Carolina celebrates National Tennis Month during the 2022 Advocacy Day. Pictured from left to right: USTA SC Board President, Nan Smith, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, USTA SC Board Member Linda Paige and USTA SC Staff Members Sheryl McAlister and Emily Russell
USTA SC celebrated 2021 National Tennis Month at the South Carolina Statehouse on Advocacy Day with (from left) Emily Russell, Sheryl McAlister, South Carolina Lt. Governor Pamela Evette and Nan Smith.
City of Columbia
City of Myrtle Beach
Lexington County
Town of Hilton Head
City of Hardeeville
Town of Lexington
City of Conway
Town of Goose Creek
Richland County
City of Belton
City of Florence
City of Greenwood
Town of St. George
Town of Mt. Pleasant
City of Charleston
2025 Proclamations and Pictures
Coming in the Spring of 2025
USTA sC Advocacy Toolkit
USTA SC is an advocate for the health benefits of tennis as well as quality facilities for play. Check out the links below for additional information about how to be an advocate in your community.
USTA SC’s 3-part Advocacy (instructional/informational) series – click here
Sample Remarks for Local Town Council Meetings – click here
Social Media: Use the following as you promote tennis and National Tennis Month in your community.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @ustasouthcarolina
Use these hashtags: #sctennis #playtennisSC
In addition, use this hashtag throughout May: #nationaltennismonth
For additional information about advocacy or your local or state representative, contact Sheryl McAlister at
Contact Emily Russell at regarding any media inquiries or engagements.
Key Messages
· The sport of tennis can make a difference in the lives of people in every community across South Carolina, not only as a sport but as an engine of positive economic change.
· Tennis can be used as a vehicle for connecting with schools, communities, colleges and local municipalities.
· Tennis can improve those schools and communities, provide opportunities for all youth, spur economic development and improve the quality of life for all residents.
· Tennis is ideal for long-term health benefits and is a life-time sport.
· USTA is committed to investing in the building and renovation of public tennis facilities, the growth of tennis programming to new players, and the protection and growth of tennis programs on college campuses.